
How many pills can you take?

by  |  earlier

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Well, Im taking *skin whitening pills* and they do work. but I dont wanna commit suicide by accident. Let's say, I wanted to take 10 pills back to back. Would that affect me?. How many can I take...but how many pills can you take? or what is the maxium limit??




  1. The number of pills you can take is related to your body size. If your really tall, or overweight it will take alot of pills to cause you harm. Even if you dont take enough to kill yourself, you could accidently take enough to make you nauseuos, make you throw up, or make you tired.

    Its not worth trying to find the magic number if risking your life is involved, but if you do it anyways and begin to feel tired or heavy (as in your arms feel like lead weights) you should induce vomiting.

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