
How many pills do you have to take to reach happiness?

by  |  earlier

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four...even better...


six...don't care any more...




  1. ....none are needed for me to reach happiness, I can find happiness in my pain too.

  2. Nothing, unless you count laughing as medication. In that case I've OD'd LONG ago.

  3. Most the pills I used to take you would only need 1...

  4. OK. I take 12 per day

    Alpha-Lipoic Acid

    Acetyl L-Carnitine

    Super B - Complex


    and an array other others to supplement my diet and exercise routine, which produces adrenaline and gives me a super-huge rush that your pills could never achieve. It's called exercise...

    By the way, the AMA or the FDA will not publish anything about the overall harm that any compound you put in your body does to your liver and your pancreas. They just won't tell you because it takes a long time for it to kill you - but it will just like morphine is what actually kills people in Hospice.

    BTW: So do all of the prescribed "feel good" pills that your shink gives you too...

    Good Luck...

  5. Well, I've got PMS right now, so the usual two have become four.  Five.  We'll see.

  6. six little blue footballs and I'm A-OK

  7. none

  8. slomotion nailed it.

    I'm not gonna patronize you with  exercise, and proper diet.

    It dose help me a bit theo as a outlet, but at the same time can lean me in the direction of aggressive and some times violent behavior,

    but this is normal for men.= testosterone's affects.

    social interaction is of coerce, a blessing and a cerce.

    a fulfilling job or struggling adds a incredible sense of drive, and purpose,

    if only to feed your self, this of coerce is something every one should experience.

    Of coerce my best intentions are meant.

    good luck to you.

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