
How many pilots maneuver the boening 747 like air liner ,for long distance?

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what we see normally in the cockpit is a captan ,copilot a navigater and few flight assistants and also we donnt'see others among the passengers.




  1. We used to fly 14 hour legs with two complete crews, who would switch off, or with a partial relief crew that would rotate with the duty crew.  One particular captain was always the Command Pilot, and could be waked up if anything went wrong, which it hardly ever did.  Almost never, in the 4-banger (what we called the 747-300 and 400).

    In the 747-300, the crew included a flight engineer.  In the -400, the flight engineer has been replaced by a bunch of computers.  This is called "progress," I suppose.

    The really big kites like the 747 have a concealed rest area--sort of a bunk room--for off-duty crew members.  Most passengers never find out about that little room.  The off-duty room is chiefly used by cabin crew, but flight crew sometimes go back there to change clothes.

    There may be off-duty people among the passengers, but they will be mostly on the upper deck or in 1st class.

    There were navigators in the days of celestial navigation, flux-gate compasses, and radio beacons.  Now with GPS and INS, you get more nav information than you want, half the time.

  2. Captain, First Officer.

    If the flight is very long, there is a relief crew on board as well, but they don't typically spend the entire flight in the flight deck.

  3. There will be only two &there will be few flight assistants.

    But they  are not the same  guys through.For example , I left from New Delhi to Sansfrancisco via Singapure  Seoul.

    So there will be a shift at Seoul for pilots.

  4. 3: pilot, co-pilot and engineer but they do have some substitude.

  5. The newer 747-400's only need a two man crew consisting of a Captain and a First officer. As do most commercial aircraft now a days.

    For long range flights there may be a relif pilot, so one member of the flight crew can rest at a time.

  6. Long distance flights are double-crewed.

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