
How many pizza pies does your family need for a meal?

by  |  earlier

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i was visiting a family the other day. A total of 5 pies for 6 people. i had though that was a little too much, but it was eaten.




  1. lol my family eats 1 pizza and 3 people share it.

  2. Well my familt needs 2 or 3 large pizzas they are really picky about toppings. We get 3 toppings on each pizza.. IThere is about 8 people

  3. Our family eats 3 pizzas!


  5. A little, lol. For my family of five to get full we need three large. And there's no leftovers. But then we're very big eaters, lol. I can pack away 6 or 7 slices easy, and I'm a 15 year old girl, lol.

  6. I have a family of 5.

    Dad + Mum

    18 yo twins

    14 yo

    We normally get 3 pizzas between us.

  7. 2 large pizzas for 5

    2 growing boys

    1 dad 1 mom

    1 girl

  8. I think I know them - they were the Fattenuglies - right? A typical american family comprised of an fat mom with big fat hair in grossly tight jeans (or more comfy polyester strectch slacks), a pot-bellied dad with hair in his ears, and two or three dull and dopey-looking flabby children with glazed-over eyes and pasty skin - right? Yeh, five pizza's is about par.

  9. large familys like that normally dont order out much (atleast from what ive seen) they could have jsut ordered alot for "left overs"... lunch for the kids the next day or just a midnight snack

    that seems like a lot, my boyfriend has 10 people that live with them and they only order 3-4 if that..

  10. When we have the whole family over then 10 to feed a whole group of people you figure 2 slices per person just us though 2 for a family of 4 we like to have left overs

  11. Have a total of Six..and Always invite my Aunt and Uncle over , so that makes seven..but theres one thing..I also have a "ten month old" who doesnt quite "eat that yet" I always buy about...four to five large pies..just to be safe..and maybe there will be "leftovers" , if not...thats k also..Husband has a "whole one to his entire self" that is a "true statement..because he eats nothin else w/ it...I will usually eat about two small slices and have a small salad w/ it and maybe a few tatercrowns/, or fries...depending on my mood , or how "hungry" I am....TC/you...God Bless allll your Pizzas...I will pray that they turn out well...for your<KLHugzU>;)

  12. wow that's a lot of Pizza, and they ate it all??? They are one hungry family.

    It's just me and my daughter so if I get a large pizza, 12" ?? we only eat about 3 pieces, (1 for her 2 for me)

    We always have left overs!!

  13. for 3 adults and two elemetary kids ,3. leftovers is nextday lunch. it seems like alot when that is the only thing u are eating but if you had like wings, salads i think u need less pies.

  14. 1 for a family of three

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