
How many planes are in the sky at any one time ?

by  |  earlier

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All size planes, jumbo's, little ones, etc ?




  1. check out

  2. globally over 10, 000 did you in NY JFK airport a plane takes of or lands every two minutes.  

  3. No one knows.  

  4. All of them that happen to be flying. In the US and worldwide there's really no way of knowing for sure. Not all flights will require a flight plan, nor do all airplanes have or need radios, transponders, etc.

  5. There are usually between 4500 and 6500 aircraft in the air at one time throughout the day, depending on the time.  This is the number that have filed Instrument flight plans.  There are hundreds more around small local airports that only file visual flight plans, if they file at all.

  6. 1

  7. during any weekday morning there are 3000+ in Usa...comerical only... on headline news [robin mead] 6 am direct tv the often show a map...i cant believe they dont all smash into each other!

  8. Hey I was thinking that as well! I guess it would be pretty much impossible to tell, since militaries around the globe probably have secret undetectable aircraft.

    Are you talking about just the USA or all around the world tho?

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