
How many points ahead do you have to be to win a tennis match?

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How many points ahead do you have to be to win a tennis match?




  1. forty two kajillion.

  2. if you're really good: 72 to 0.

  3. Matches are really determined by sets rather than points. To break down the scoring system:

    Sets - Games - Points.

    Sets are the first player to six games with at least two games clear wins, so the maximum score they can win a set on is 6-4. However, if it reaches 5-5, the set is won when a player reaches seven games, so 7-5. But then if the set reaches 6-6, and it is not the final set in a Grand Slam, a tie-break is played. In the final set of a Grand Slam match, the set is continued until one of the players has won the set with two games clear, so the score could be 9-7, 10-8, 11-9 etc.

    Games are won when a player wins four points, so 15, 30, 40, game. However, if both players win three points each in a game, so the score is 40-40, deuce is played, where a further two points must be won to win the game, so "advantage" (often represented as Ad. or A) then game.

    Points are, of course, won by whichever player hits the last successful shot in a rally. So if a player hits the ball and their opponent cannot get the ball back in court, that player wins. Not getting the ball back in court includes hitting the ball into the net, hitting the ball out or missing the ball altogether.

    When it comes down to the amount of points won in a match, you usually find that it's quite close. There have been matches where the winning player has won 140 points but the loser won 137 points. So really, points are only important when they lead to games, and games are only important when they lead to sets.

  4. By 2. Unless the score is 6- 6 you would do a tie breaker. How i play, we go up to 6 games...and you have to win by 2 so if your playing and you won 6 games but your opponent has won 5 (6-5) your not done you have to keep on playing until its a 2 point difference. So you'd play another game lets say you win, so the score is 7- 5 you win the match, but if you had lost (6-6) you'd play a tie breaker. Get it?

  5. wat

  6. You can come back from match point to win.  Serena has done it and also Safina most recently.  A game is only decided on who wins two of three games for women and three of five for men.

  7. Tennis is NOT won by mere points. Points are added up and turned into games. (See bottom half for the rest).

    Points: 15 - 30 - 40 - (advantage) - Game.

    If you arrive at 40-40, you are at deuce. Usually, you still need TWO more points in order to win that game.


    Player A and B are tied at 40-all. Player A aced Player B. Score is now Adv. Player A (or Adv. - 40). Player A needs one more point to win the game.


    Then if you are playing ______, you need _______ to win.

    Regular sets: 6 games

    Pro sets: 8 games

    Short sets: 6 games but everyone starts with 2 games

    *** Winning score must lead by 2. ***


      Player A is leading 5 games to Player B's 4 games. Player A requires one more game to seal the match, but if Player B manages to gain another game, the score is 5-5. The winner must arrive at 7 games, making it 7-5. It also goes on.

      If scores arrive at 6-6, a tiebreaker is required. That is another question.

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