
How many points do you have to have to move to the second(2) level?

by Guest66851  |  earlier

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I am still on the first level and I would like to know how to get on the second level.




  1. 1) Cease asking questions and conserve your points.

    2) Push yourself to the max every day. 40 answers and 20 votes give you 100 points a day. This will take three days to get to 250 (Level 2)

    3) Treat the Coveted 10 as gravy and not a major reliance for points.

    4) The best answerers find a catagory they are strong in and rule it, thus creating a Best Answer return rate of 50%, 60%, 80%.

  2. 250- 999 If UR logged in click on the # where it says level (1). Upper left hand corner of your screen. It gives U a complete points & levels, or click on this link.

  3. you have to have 250 points to get to level 2

  4. 250, I'm only 3 points away now :)

  5. 250 points total

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