
How many points is quakka worth in scrabble if you start at the centre?

by  |  earlier

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sorry the word is quokka (a small wallaby)




  1. It isnt even a word!

  2. With the Q on the star its is worth (10+1+1+0(blank K)+10(K on double letter score)+1)X2 (Because the star is a pink double word score) for 46 points/  

    It will score more if you start it on the double word score space 5 space left of the star.

    Of course if your opponent challenges this off, since it is not in the Official Scrabble players Dictionary. it scores nothing

  3. It's not a good word in the American Scrabble Dictionary.  IF it is a good word in the English Chambers the word would be worth 56 points--you would put the "Q" on the double letter, one "K" would have to be a blank, so double for the "Q" is 20 points, 5 points for the "K" and 1 point each for the "U" and two "A's" then double the word for the opening play yields you 56 points total.  I do not have a Chambers Dictionary so I can't check to see if the word is good or not.  I am assuming that you know what you are talking about.

    Hope this helps.

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