
How many poor people has Michelle Obama's Hospital turned away?

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The champion of the poor, doesn't really care about poor people.,CST-NWS-hosp23.article




  1. Notice how liberals answer by attacking McCain and republicans then directly addressing the issue.

  2. An average of 38 each day for the last 3 years.

  3. All hospitals have to render emergency care to everyone.  No hospital has to go broke however treating people. That is why we need universal health care.

  4. You're misrepresenting the facts.  The people are taken care of, often faster then if they had stayed at her hospital and not been shuttled to a neighboring facilities.  Her hospital, like any, has to avoid being in the red.  Her job was to coordinate with area facilities to make sure that the patients were taking care of while minimizing her hospitals "bad debt".

    That's the truth of it.  However you obviously aren't interested in the truth, just making Barack and his wife look bad ny misrepresenting the facts.

  5. She cares for the poor a million more times then the rich snob in Mcain.

  6. Do as they say, not as they do.

    Haven't you learned how to be a proper Democrat serf by now?

    I mean, to question your lords and masters, how dare you...

  7. Like Neocons care for the poor.

    I thought that you said the poor shouldn't get health care?

    Have you changed your Sicko ! Stance!

  8. Oh & she ONLY makes $317,000 a year?......No wonder Obama supporters keep attacking McCain over money, it's a wonder how poor Michelle can feed her kids on that low income.


  9. Obama=taxes taxes taxes

    its the truth

    i cannot afford Obama my family needs to eat

  10. Awesome article. Thanks.

    It will be fun to hear the liberals spin this one.

  11. With some of the answers that would explain why he is pushing health care...more money for Michelle' s business= bonus for Michelle.  Crooked, crooked crooked.  There faces change the  politics don't!!

  12. exactly...

    spread the word on the fraud...

  13. Perhaps if she gave half of her pay to help the poor someone might just believe she cares It seems to me looking in from afar that far from helping the poor they are simply trying to stop them blocking up their hospital by shipping them to someone elses front door. There are so few really good people who genuinely help the poor and care about them.

  14. Now you know some Liberal Socialist is going to accuse you of doctoring that.  

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