
How many posters here are actually old enough to vote?

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How many posters here are actually old enough to vote?




  1. me, im 74

  2. I am, goes back to Dukakis/GHWB election

  3. This will be my 5th time voting for President.

  4. I am.

  5. When I finally turned 18 I exercised my right to vote, I am now 22

  6. seven, including myself

  7. Given the attention to gossip mongering rather than issues, I'm thinking maybe 4.  Certainly less than 10.

  8. I am. Obama / Biden 08 !!!!!

  9. Me too!

    Obama 08

    I am 26 years old!

  10. I am, and this will be my second election to vote.


  11. I'm going to vote who I'm going to vote for is my quetion`

  12. Not me!

  13. Been voting since 1971

  14. Me im 21!  

  15. Me, or can I lie and say I'm 17? Cuz I'm good with that!

  16. I am

  17. I am. But it really doesn't matter how many can and can't. I only listen to the people with something interesting to say, and those people can be of any age, and are extremely rare.

  18. I am!  I have been registered to vote since

    1970, and do vote!  Please cast a ballot,

    November 2008--and remember all local elections--do your homework and cast your ballot responsibly !

  19. Good question! LOL, I think there will be alot less posting during the day now that school is back in session!

  20. I have been old enough to vote since 1995!  Voted for Clinton in '96, Gore in '00, Kerry in '04, and will vote for Obama this year.

  21. I am, and I'm registered.

  22. The children should be back in school.  

  23. Old enough X3 plus a little.

  24. Thank god school is back in session though I don't feel it's helping them.

    If I was a lawmaker I would push to have spankins reinstated as a tool of correction back in schools but only under the guidence of a resident at large that would over see the butt spanking.

    When we went to school we had it and believe me we were never attention deficit or bi-polar, when you have no emmediate reprocussions to your actions you are likely to continue in the wrong way. Spankings or just the threat of was enough for us.

    Graduated in 1980

  25. I am...more than three times old

  26. Me.

    Should've asked old enough and actually do. See what kind of response you get then.

  27. I am.

    I was talking to my daughter & realized that she will be turning 18, just before the next election in 2012.  

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