
How many pounds of garbage could be eliminated from the solid waste system if you recycled 3 plastic grocery b

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long question, i cant find da ansa tho




  1. In New York City alone, one less grocery bag per person per year would reduce waste by 5 million lbs. and save $250,000 in disposal costs.

  2. If everyone did it, it could have an overall significant impact.  The problem is that you do not specify if you mean one person recycles 3 bags once or everyone does it all the time.  The other issue is that it is somewhat rare and difficult to recycled plastic bags.  Unfortunately there are occasions where you may return your bag for recycling and it just gets landfilled because there is a limited market for plastic bags.  If you want to make a difference use paper or even better use a cloth bag and bring it with you to reuse again and again.

  3. Since 3 bags weigh less than one pound, the answer is, less than one.

    But if you mean if everybody in the U.S. did that every week, then multiply the weight of 3 bags by 52 to get the savings for one person in a year and multiply that by the population of the U.S., which is now 300 million I hear. Now take 3 bags to your post office and use the letter scale to weigh them and do the math.

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