
How many pounds of peanuts makes how many pounds of oil?

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Or any other types of seeds such as soybean, sunflower, canola, I'm just curious.  Thanks




  1. Following are some links ; if you click on them you will get some information about the oil percentage of each type . From this you can calculate the oil yield per unit weight .

    Sorry , I could not get similar information about Canola or Rapeseed oil within the time at my disposal ===

    From = A botanist

  2. The kernels contain 48 to 56 percent of oil.

    However, believe that after being crushed, heated and pressed, about 2,5 pounds of peanuts will make 1 pound of oil.

    Amounts differ depending on the type of seed.

  3. Oil content of peanuts, sunflower etc range from 30 to 60 and different varieties of same crop also will be different in oil %. So 2 pounds to 6 pounds needed to make 1 pound oil.

  4. Regas had the correct answer, and below is a link.

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