
How many ppl adopt kids?

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I will be getting married soon and one thing I have always wanted to do is adopt some kids. Is there a lot of kids that are adopted? what is your opinion?




  1. There a lots of kids that need a home.

  2. It depends on what you want. If you want a baby then get in line. I read somewhere however that there are over 4,000.00 neglected children needing a home every year. [not sure]

  3. I wouldn't, just have your own.  Why would anybody want someone else's kid?

  4. There are thousands of kids in foster care awaiting a loving family

  5. if you ask me there is alot that aren't that is older kids and they seem to watch babies all the time when it would be great to start with someone that is older and need help in life first of all take care.

  6. There are many children in the US alone in need of loving homes, NOW.

    There are many children across the globe in the same situation.

    With the increase of drugs and all sorts of things that can lead good people astray, the need for good homes to bring up children are in more demand than ever before.

    Hubby and I adopted 2 children last year, when they were 9 and 10.  It has been a WONDERFUL experience for us.

    I have known many people to adopt when they knew they could have babies, even.

    It can be a wonderful thing, and if you want to adopt, just let your partner know where you stand now, so it's not a surprise when you are married.

  7. I have always wanted to adopt also.  I just had a child in April which was a pleasant surprise since I was told that I would most likely never have my own kids, but my husband and I still want to adopt.  We both know we want 4 kids, so i want to adopt the other 3, but my husband wants to try for 1 more and adopt 2. So, we are still working out those final details now :)  I personally think that adoption is great and wish more families would adopt kids instead of spending thousands of dollars on fertility drugs.  There are way to many kids in the world that needs a loving home.

  8. Good Luck w/ that. Growing up I've always wanted to adopt a child

  9. There are lots of kids adopted, lots of kids that need a loving home. I would advice you to speak to your fiancé about your desire to adopt if you have not already.

  10. Tons of kids would love to have a home! I was adopted at 2 1/2 yrs old. Very glad I was.

  11. There are so many children its sad!, Children stay in foster care for years, and an infant adoption contrary to popular belief is easy and fast, we had a placement in less than 1 month from finishing all of our paper work and homestudy.  There is a child out there for you and i bet a child cant wait for you to be there mommy!

  12. If you want to adopt from foster care, just do a yahoo search for (your state) foster care adoption and check out their website and you'll see how many kids need adoptive homes.

    My husband and I are planning on adopting as soon as we are able. We have one biological son, and want to have one more in the future, but we also want to adopt children from foster care.

  13. actually contrary to what people think, there may be a lot of kids who need good homes but most of these children are inaccesible and living overseas wasting away in orphanages. It is very difficult and expensive to adopt overseas. As for healthy infants in your own country, there are NOT a lot of children available for adoption. Most mothers keep their babies now, single or otherwise. Or else they abort them. Adoption is not the option that ignorant people who don't know make it out to be.

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