
How many principles/theories in physics and cosmology have people's names attached to them?

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I'm starting a little collection. We have the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and the Pauli Exclusion Principle. They're some well-known ones, but I'm looking for those with a little bit more of a cosmological bent. They do seem to be proliferating. Things like Hawking radiation, Hilbert space, Schwarzchild radius, Chandrasekhar limit, etc., and this one I've never heard of before, a couple questions below mine: Cauchy horizons.

Please help me continue my collection. I only have the starter kit.




  1. 127

  2. 1. The Mallard Oddity -- developed proofs that buttered toast always lands buttered-side down;

    2. Mallard Relativity Integration -- worked out mathematical functions showing the frequency that the 2nd son of one's mother-in-law will try to borrow money;

    3. Mallard's Spittle Constant -- proved that the force of wind blowing towards one's face is directly proportional to the spittle-spatter radius after one spits into that wind;

    4. Mallard's Murphy Complement -- showed that Murphy was right;

    5. Mallard's Tensor Sub Set -- a quantum chromodynamic function which sets the likelihood that an otherwise sane, reasonable person will respond with undiluted silliness to any serious, valid question.

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    Fibonacci Numbers

    Stefan-Boltzman Law

    Wien's Law

    Avogadro Constant

    Faraday Constant

    Loschmidt Number

  3. gotta count Reissner-Nordström Black Holes

    Lorenz-Fitzgerald Contractions

    Cherenkov radiation

    Drake's Equation (my personal favorite piece of c**p), which is a weak rehashing of Fermi's Problem (hey, there's another one!) without actually knowing anything...  I vote we shouldn't call it Drake's Equation, let's call it... a guess.

  4. Great answers Eri!  The only other one I can think of is the Planck scale.  Maybe I'll think of more in a minute.

  5. Well, there's the Kerr metric, the Einstein radius, the Schwarzschild metric, the Lorentz transformations, the Poincare group, Cartesian coordinates, Euclidean geometry, Riemannian geometry, Feynman diagrams, Minkowski space, the Ricci tensor, Brans-Dickie theorem, de Sitter space, Newtonian geometry, the Hubble constant, the Bohr equation, and the Bondi mass, and that's just a quick glance through general relativity.  

    Then every particular field has it's own smaller theories and equations, like, say, GRB physics, which as the Buermann equation, the Rhoads equation, and the Band solution.

    EDIT:  GR comes in useful!  Odin knows I didn't get much else out of that class.  :)

  6. Bethe-Blotch equation

    Beer-Lambert law

    Those are some that I just have on hand.

  7. 532.


    No more

    No less

  8. Doppler Effect

    Hubble Constant

    Kelvin Scale

    Pretty obvious, I guess.

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