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of u found out that you was pregnant before you missed a period?




  1. I got a really bad cold and we were trying, so before I could take any medication, I bought an early detection test and it was positive. I wasn't due to start for another week

  2. I found out I was pregnant (this time) before my period was due!!!! Mind you I fall pregnant really easily and we had been trying... also this is the fourth time I have been pregnant so I kind of knew before I tested.  


  4. Hmm debatable - I got my dates missed up!

  5. Not me! ! I found out when I went to the doc over a chest infection. She asked me point blank when was I due. . . . I almost droped there and then lol x x

  6. It was not confirmed until the day I was to start,  but a week before I had symtoms and told myself to wait til I missed before I took a test.  But my body had all the symptoms and women's intuition told me I was pregnant.

  7. I found out when i had to get a tetnus shot....but i had my suspicions before my period was due only a feeling though i wasn't sick or anything.. i found out i was pregnant about 2 weeks after missing my period though  

  8. can u find out anytime before that??? i think you have to be pregnant for that long befoe you know so i'd say most people do wait til 4 weeks :)  

  9. only found out after i missed my period, didnt think to check before then.

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