
How many questions did Obama really give an answer to?

by  |  earlier

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Really, give this some thoughts, Test your memory, name me One! Can you explain one?




  1. zero

  2. duh, three??

  3. He hasnt, he is very evasive and wishy washy so therefore I say none and if there are none, there is nothing to explain!

  4. HI, I have seen him asked two or three questions from each reporter.I believe he does a terrific job answering them fully.

    He usually has an answer for things that he is asked.At least he explains to the people his plans.His rival has the same old dribble you hear over and over.You may not like his answers ,but at least he has a plan.I wish him a lot.of luck ,he is going to need it, to get this country back on track.  

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