
How many "I's" did Obama mention in his pep rally last night?

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Will his Pride be his undoing.God hates a pride filled man.




  1. What Bible are you reading, I think you are the one reading out of the Karyn not Obama.

  2. He is a guy running for President, I would expect him to use the word "I" when ever he talks about his policies... McCain on the other hand only talks about "he" the other extream that shouts "I have nothing to run on, so I'll just try to make he look bad."  

  3. Funny, Obama said that you right wing nut cases would try to make this election about him.  Guess what's?  It's about our country.  

    Obama/Biden '08

  4. It's not about him it's about the future of the country. It's about the power of believing in our ability to change things for the better. We all rise or fall together.

    OBAMA/BIDEN '08!

  5. Gee, I didn't know I needed to count. Be sure and let me know how many times McCain mentions POW, Vietnam and uses the phrase "my friends". I am starting to think those are the only things he is programed to say.

    Also, God doesn't hate the sinner; he hates the sin. And if touting your POW days over and over and over again, everytime you are asked a question, isn't a "pride" thing, I guess I am stupid.

  6. God hates no one and loves all.

  7. I stopped counting at 100, 'but this election is not about me'... yeah right.  

  8. If this were Lion King, you'd be Religious Nut #2.

  9. Pride cometh before a fall.

  10. 'I , I  and I " Itsa Marley thing mon

  11. Judge not, least ye be judged

  12. You forgot the second part of your question:  There is no i in patriot.

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