
How many "excuses "?

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can you think of for the constant fuel price rises ? ( used by the government/fuel companies etc ? seems someone somwhere only has to sneeze and up it goes !




  1. Diminishing supply/less yield in new oil drilling sites, supply and demand (the more you use, the more it costs: fact) and of course greed

  2. The only excuse that fits is GREED and that is no excuse.

  3. The price of any commodity is based on the costs required to produce and deliver the commodity with some profit added in for everyone along the way (well you wouldn't work for nothing would you).

    If the price of the raw material (oil) goes up, or the cost of living goes up so everyone requires a larger take along the way, then the price goes up.  But, did you know the 'greedy' petrol/diesel companies make less than a penny a litre...

    As for the goverment, it's quite simple.  If we hadn't invaded Iraq or Afghanistan, then we'd have money to burn so we wouldn't need to tax the life out of the citizens of the UK...

  4. The prices hikes is down to one thing: Institutional investors pumping billions into the commodity (mostly crude oil) markets, pushing the price up.

    No other reason.

  5. At the moment, source availability is fine, it presents no reason for the price at the garage to rise.

    The reason the garage price has risen is that people are forecasting a lack of crude oil. This is causing the main suppliers to stock up. This is where the cost is coming from at the moment.

  6. they are using the scares in less supply to justify the increase but the truth is there is plentiful supply

    they also say if people have to pay more for petrol they will drive less better for environment but thats not at all true either people want and need to drive and if they say use trains well its £100 to go to london or much less than that for petrol dependin where ur comin from

    in england we pay hurrendous amounts of tax on fuel its rediculous eg in america theyr angry about fuel rising to 37p lol some places we pay a pound more!

    we also have the big petrol companies wantin more profit

    i got told if u want fuel prices to decrease dont go to bp esso shell or any big sellers go to asda or a supermarket petrol station it will force them to lower prices to get customers
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