
How many races/ethnicities are there? Like Caucasian, Black, or Hispanic..what are the others?

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And what are their official is the black the correct term or are you supposed to say african or is that offensive?

What is the correct race of the people from Asia who aren't mongoloid (like Chinese or Japanese), but people from India, Pakistan, etc?




  1. There is one "race," human, which is politically divided into at least 19 different ethnicities(according to the last census forms) Caucasoid, Mongoloid, *******, Latin, Polynesian, Melanesian, Pacific Islander, Hispanic, Native American,...and I can't remember the rest.  I'm sure anthropologists have a criteria all their own for determining ethnicity, just as politicians do.  Evidently, it is no longer politically correct to use the designation which translates to "black," so you'll have to guess at that one.

  2. A computer-generated DNA analysis has recently separated human DNA into 5 categories, and in this order:





    Native American

  3. I believe whatever country you come from  and the cultural name of your group = ethnic group.

    But here is a list

    Western European people ______________


    French Briton







    Greeks & Greek Cypriots (Meditteranean-Western European)

    Austrians, Belgians, Dutch and many more.


    Italian (Meditteranean-Western European)


    Eastern European people _____________

    Polish people

    Balkans - Albanians, Kosovars, Serbs, Croats, Slovenians, Bulgarians

    Central & Eastern European people  __________

    Russians, Ukrainians , Latvians, Lithuanians, Romanians, Armenians, Austrians, Hungarians, Czechs & Slovaks,

    Turks & Turkish Cypriots

    African diaspora people __________

    Black British



    American Africans (from recent immigration)

    and African Americans

    African people__________________

    West Africans_____

    People from Nigeria, Ghana, Sierra Leone and Cameroon,etc.

    Southern  Africans____

    Zimbabweans, South Africans, etc.

    East Africans_____

    Ugandans, Rwandans, Kenyans, etc.

    Horn Africans______


    Sudanese and Ethiopians


    ASIAN people__________________

    South Asians_______


    Pakistani, etc.









    Middle Eastern and Arab people





    Lebanese, Palestinians, Saudis, Syrians, Jordanians, Egyptians, Algerians, Iranians

    Latin American people___________________






    Cuban British

    Chileans, Ecuadorians, Mexicans, Peruvians, Venezuelans and more.

    Mixed people (of multi-ethnicity ancestry)

    British Mixed

    'mixed communities' migrated to the UK, principally the Anglo-Indian and Anglo-Burmese communities, from India and Burma. They are now established and integrated communities within the UK. Over more recent years there has been substantial and increasing miscegenation between the various groups, resulting in a new group - Mixed. This group is relatively heterogeneous with Mixed - Black Caribbean/White British being the biggest single component. The Mixed group has the youngest demographic profile of any group, with half being under 16, and numbered 677,117 at the 2001 Census. Due to rapid growth the Mixed group is predicted to become the largest ethnic minority group by 2020.

    Multi Ethnic Americans

    Brazilians (also belong under Latin America), etc.

    Indigenous peoples of varying genetic ancestries, who were displaced______________

    Romnichal  ("Gypsies" is now considered pejorative)

    Australians Aborigines

    New Zealanders (indigenous people)

    Native Americans



    This is a list of almost every ethnic group and man made  modern categories which they fall under.

    I did not use any of the -oid terms because this system-used in the UK,  is very good and covers everbody, with out being offensive.

    And lastly, we are all memebers of the human race. But ethnicity is imporant (not so much the race-oid terms because they are not flexible and not accurate) because it shows one's heritage (culture, ancestry, religious background, political background, geographic origins, etc... all of which influence who we are as a people). Diversity (ethnicity) is good, and so is unity( we are all of the human race).

  4. It doesnt matter, in  a few hundred years.....most of us will all be the one mixed race anyhow

  5. Biologically, there are no races.  There is more difference between people generally classified as one race, as there is between all races.  In other words, a white-skinned Englishman quite possibly shares more genes with a black-skinned Ethiopian Jew than with a Spaniard or Pole.  There is also more difference between different groups in sub-Saharan Africa than there is between all other people combined.

    But English has many words to classify people by perceived race (usually based on skin colour or facian features).  These were separated into the three major groups in the 1800's -- Caucasoid, *******, Mongoloid.  These words have mostly fallen out of favour due to the impossibility to define a real boundary between them.  Some authorities split the three majors into five to seven other groups like Semitic (Middle Eastern, usually a sub-group of Caucasian), as well as Native Australian, Native American, and Pacific Islander (all under Mongoloid).

    Subcontinental Indians, by the way, were considered Caucasian. In fact, they were considered to be "Aryan" by the n***s because the prevailing scientific theory of the time stated that all Europeans had been descended from a group of warriors that invaded India around approximately 1000 BC.  These warriors were the original Aryans from whom the name was taken.

    edited: Apparently the old-fashioned scientific term for sub-Saharan Africans is forbidden here.  If you're curious, the three outdated words are listed in the source I've added below.

  6. i so look forward to the time when 'ethnicity' means as much to people as 'button hook'.  we will never be one people so long as we keep looking for new ways to make us different.

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