
How many races exist in the USA ? beside the Anglos, Mexicans, Whites, Browns, Blacks, Arabs, Jews & Asians?

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" R a c e s "

Ethnicity's, Cultures , Linguistic groups, Religions, Nationalities.....




  1. Anglo is not a race.  It would be like me calling all Mexicans Aztecs.  I am white but I am not Anglo.

  2. Whether you know it or not, the caveman race still exists, you just haven't looked for it.

  3. I love questions like this, it showes people are thinking.

    The one race left on the planet is us, all of us, Homo Sapiens Sapiens.  Culture has divided people according to recognizable characteristics and we got very good at it and at one point (before the mapping of the human genome) even pseudo scientific. Pseudo scientific papers abound regarding which “race” is the most intelligent and so on. I remember a paper by a professor at Harvard purporting to explain why whites are a little more intelligent than blacks and why Orientals are a bit more clever than whites. It all sounded very scientific much like the fundamentalists misunderstanding of the 2nd Law of Thermo Dynamics which they misinterpret to refute evolution.

    You may rest assured that almost any construct of society is probably false or unsupportable by empirical evidence. Race, religion, social assumptions about morals are examples of human indulgence all of which are almost completely matters of opinion without any basis in fact or verifiable science.

    One race = one species = us humans. This will not meet with the prejudice of many since the whitest Swede and the blackest Nigerian are of the exact same race.

    If it pleases someone to differentiate between various cultures and point out that people with almond shaped eye covers are not as smart as people with round eye covers they may indulge themselves but they are in no way to be taken seriously.

    Oh! I almost forgot. The Jews are not a race; they are a religion. Everybody of Middle East  origin is Semitic, Arabs, Jews, the whole lot. Crazy huh?

    It appears that physicists were wrong in identifying the four basic forces in the Universe. We all know what they are but I suggest there is a =fifth force, possibly more powerful that any of the four established forces. I submit…IGNORANCE…as the fifth force and suggest that it is not to be ignored by us Humans.

    Jim D

  4. At one Tme 100 Nations existed remnents exist now,Crow,Blackfeet,Cherokee,Ogalala, sioux, Apache, Tseshat,Sailish,Haida, First Nations  is what they could be called. some listed exist outside but nations existed before U.S.A.

  5. Samoans.

  6. There is only One (1) race that exists in the USA:  The Human Race.

  7. Texans kick ***.

    Pgreen so you say the Hobbits aren't human? Racist.

  8. I can't even begin to imagine.  I live in a very diverse city

    ( Houston), and over 160 languages are spoken here.  So I can imagine what NYC must be like !

  9. There is only one human race: homo sapiens sapiens

    As for ethnies, don't forget the first Americans,

    who already lived there before Columbus and the

    Pilgrim fathers.

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