
How many rats died from the period 1888 till present day through out the world?

by Guest66485  |  earlier

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rough estimation




  1. Yep you have the prize for the most inane question of all times....well done. My problem is.. I dont care....I would love to hear your answer to this question Im sure you know

  2. may be it will be more than the present population

    u can count the present rats population!!!

    then automatically u can guess te answer

  3. one hundred billion

  4. approx 10,987,654,321

  5. Not enough- and they were not always of the four legged variety. LOL

  6. Are you the chairman of rat population statistic council???

  7. Millions

  8. How many chicken u ate till date if u can answer I'll in return answer to ur question. My question is simpler than urs . Give an honest answer.

  9. None

  10. How the **** are we supposed to know?

  11. well about 13, hmmm.. and that's about it.

  12. Rats?Prince Charles and Camilla are still living.

  13. Too many  :)

  14. 73,673,905,314 rats, give or take a few trillions, the last time I counted.

  15. 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,...  give or take a few!!

  16. Try the " Rat Tag Tag ".

  17. ax+by=c? lol

  18. that's 119 years x 52 weeks = 6188 weeks x 7 days = 43316 days x 24 hours = 1,039584 hours x 60 minutes = 62,375,040 minutes   .... so you figure 1 rat a minute throughout the world  .... =  62,375,040 rats to date .... now take in consideration China people eat rats ... and the population is  1,321,851,900 ....well the figure should reach well over the trillion ... :-) ... educated guess ...

    was I close enough ?

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