
How many reports against illegal immigrants are legitimate?

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It seem that more and more reports are being uncovered as false reports. So how many do we know are true? and why do they do this?

False claim by anti-illegal immigration student

Hayes said officials in investigating the matter saw the tape that caught her scratching herself on the arms and neck. Last week she had claimed the injuries were inflicted by a group of about 20 students who also threatened to sexually assault and kill her.

The girl had participated in a history class project with a “protest” theme. She brought to school a protest sign reading “If you love your country stop illegal immigration.”

She claimed she was attacked because of the sign.




  1. How many reports against illegal immigrants are legitimate? Well as most people know, that's impossible to answer.

    We have one case here, wow.  What's your exact point here.

  2. Probably none. Throughout history minorities have been blamed for crimes they did not commit, people do it because they know they will be believed after all you see it here everyday, supposedly only Hispanics commit crimes. Well as they say "illegal is illegal" and those women broke the law, I hope they are sentenced accordingly.

  3. Almost all of them.

  4. More Cut and Paste again Tony? This is old old news and as you are well aware the exception rather than the rule.

    All and all I'd guesstimate that 98% of the reports are legitimate.

    Sure Illegal Immigration is old news it is also a HUGE problem. A girl falsely claiming to have been assaulted is  not a HUGE problem. Any other points you want shot down in flames?

  5. All of them.

  6. The answer to your question is "more than ever".

    Let's see....2008 is shaping up to be an outstanding year for the deportation of illegal alien criminals.

    234,720 illegal aliens have been deported in the first 6 months of 2008 alone.

    That is almost as many as in the whole of 2007 (285,157) and the whole of 2006 (236,664).  It IS more than the whole of 2005 (205,461).

    So the answer to your question is definitely more than ever, my friend, many more than ever.

  7. Where are the illegal immigrants? You report doesn't say that any illegal immigrants were involved. Why don't you just admit that illegal immigrants belong in their countries of origin. You know its true! If you have to distort everything to try to prove your point then you know your point is wrong!

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