
How many republicans think that choosing Sarah Palin as McCain's running mate was a mistake?

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How many republicans think that choosing Sarah Palin as McCain's running mate was a mistake?




  1. Not me, she is a strong Christian Woman and I am all for her. This Georgian Girl is still walkin with God and followin McCain Palin  08!

  2. I am an independent.  I think it was another error in judgment by Senator McCain.  

  3. None of them

  4. Not me, I think it is brilliant.

    The libs and lib media is out in force trying to find something on her to put her down with. So far they have that her daughter is pregnant so they are really racking up some political points in this "presidential" race.

    Who is the democrats pick for president again and what does he stand for? I can't seem to remember.  

  5. I am a Republican I voted for Bush twice... this year I am voting for Obama. After Huckabee lost out to be our President... I decided on voting on the next best choice... and thats Obama!

  6. I'd call it more a misguided act of desperation that will prove out to be a mistake. If he wanted a well rounded running mate that would enhance the ticket, there were many better choices. This does showcase the type of decisions we can be expecting from him and how he regards the intellect of the American people (women in particular).

  7. Very few would admit it.

  8. The entire Media and 99% of all Americans. Funny how Pius the Right get when it's one of their own. They seem to adapt to low characters and moral ineptitude when the situation arrives. if this were Obamas daughter, the Republicans would crucify him.

  9. as a independent i will still say good choice john, nobody has as bad a judgment as B O---ugru

  10. I definitely do not!  She has energized the party faithful that McCain needs in order to win . . . and the Democrat attacks are doing even more to bring out the base.

  11. I don't think it was a mistake, but I don't agree with others who think it was brilliant. It was... okay. I don't see it as helping or harming him.

    One issue is that, should McCain win, what made the VP pick so meaningful is that I believe he won't seek reelection, thus making the VP the incumbent for 2012. Is Palin ready to be groomed for the presidency? I don't know. Maybe she is.

    I really hadn't expected this choice because I considered her to be, like Bobby Jindal, a young up & coming potential national candidate, but not quite ready for prime time. Maybe I'm wrong.

    Anyway, the more I learn about her, the more I like her.

    I just don't know about this business of putting people with limited experience into positions of national prominence, however bright and talented they are.

  12. Not a Republican, but I am a McCain supporter, and I think his pick of her was pure genius!

  13. ME!

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