
How many rode their bikes to work yesterday for national ride your bike to work day.?

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I did it was fun to see all the bikers out there.




  1. ME!!!! but i always do.........

  2. Sadly I observed no increase in bicycles on the road.  The culture in the area I live in does not condone bicycling as a viable form of transportation.  I observe few cars reducing their speed for the sake of conservation.  I would love to ride my bicycle to work, but my commute would take me thru Gary Indiana.  City has a terrible reputation, mostly justified.  So I have to settle on riding my motorcycle each day.  I have ridden the last 25 work days in a row and a yearly total of 36 since March.  

    PS to some who read this answer, you may say, 25 work days in a row, big deal.  Here in Northwest Indiana, we have had the coldest, rainiest spring that I can remember.  Left the casa this morning with a temps at 39 degrees F.  I have ridden home more than once in the rain.  Tired of wearing so many layers of riding gear.

  3. Me.

  4. I feel good that many  people  change to use bike, I use it also, I used to buy at this website, they sell cheap price , pls try too look at

  5. I didn't.

    But I rode mine on Monday and Wednesday. It was a lot of fun and I got a good workout.

  6. I rode my ebike twice this week, walked once.

    three days no car.

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