
How many scientists said we cause climate change?

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something like 2500?

well ive got 19000 that think otherwise

time to sell the prius and find a new cause hippie.




  1. LOL, I love this question but it will probably get deleted because it tells the truth.  They have suppositioned their 2500 so-called scientists in the IPCC with writers who aren't really scientists but merely PR people whose sole purpose is to continue to perpetrate this hoax.

    Good luck with your question though....

  2. Go ahead and keep your head in the sand. Any one with just a small amount of common sense knows that people are their own worst enemies.

    Global warming and climate change might not affect you in your life time, but it will impact future generations. We are the guardians of our environment. It is up to us  to protect what we presently take for granted. You need to understand that our natural resources will not last forever, and  at the rate we are consuming them, the time will be shorter than you think.

    You really do need to do a little more research and don't depend on just 1 or 2 sites that just might be biased.

    Always remember there are 2 sides to the argument , look at both before jumping to a conclusion.

    Good Luck.

  3. OISM is not a credible site.  They are based in a barn in rural Oregon and sent out a deceptive mailer to get people to put their names on a list.  Very few of the people on that list have any experience or training in the climate sciences.

    Below are just a few of the links exposing the fraud associated with that petition.


    That would be a false assumption on your part.  Truth isn't determined by assuming 1/2 of a clearly bogus petition is valid.  The credentials of the IPCC authors are publicly available and anyone can access them and determine for themselves if they are actually credible scientists or not.

    The reason it "matters" who started the petition is because they fabricated a paper to look like it was from the National Academies of Sciences (a very reputable organization) when in reality it was from a home-schooled kid and his dad (neither of which has any climate science training or credibility) and mass mailed it to people from every field.  There was zero quality control on who signed it and who didn't.  It was anonymous, anyone with web-access could put any name they wanted on there.  That's not a poll of scientists, that a deceptive PR gimmick.

  4. If you're talking about all scientists on the planet (which you are, if you're referencing the Oregon Petition, which allowed anyone with any kind of college degree to sign), then it's at least hundreds of thousands, probably millions.

    However, the Oregon Petition has been proven to be fraudulent.  They even sent out a new version recently because there were so many problems with the first one.  See Myth #2 here:

  5. Your name is very appropriate. A tiny bit of research will show you that almost all climate scientists agree that humans are causing most of the change. You can go on lying to yourself and displaying your dishonesty if you want to. Anyone with half an idea of whats going on knows the truth.

  6. Thousands.  Like these guys, who've issued official statements:

    The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

    The "Oregon Petition" has long been exposed as a hoax.  Just a list of names, many of them obvious fakes, none with any indication that they're scientists.

  7. Sorry but this source is completely useless. I was able to sign that petition without having to give any proof that I am a scientist. What you have is a petition set up by disbelievers who told other disbelievers who faked being a scientist. If you don't need to prove your credentials it is not admissable as evidence.

  8. You might want to check your sources.

    The person who wrote this list of "19,000" is Frederick Seitz. I truly invite you to search about him.

    He claims around "100" climate experts -> all others are NOT climate experts.

    The original one even included a Dr Mel C. (A spice girl...)

    There is so far only ONE scientific body (of geologists) opposing the climate change science.

  9. I question the intelligence of these scientist.

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