
How many scottish players will be in the starting Squad if there were a GREAT BRITAIN football team?

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I say probably one will make it, that nakamura lad from celtic is pretty good. The other 10 players will all be English or Welsh.

What say you?




  1. probably 12 of the starting 11

  2. Not a single one. Not a (square) Sausage!

  3. Aiden McGeady-lol

  4. Actually Nakamura has a Grandmother from Dundee so he qualifies to play and is tidy from free kicks. We would also have Craig Gordon in the squad along with Raul, he has a Scottish Mother, and Kevin Kyle.

    Wales could provide that Bale guy and much of the team would be from Northern Ireland I'm afraid as alot of the English players are on such high wages they hate the team game and are really into themselves. Look at Crouch, he has a sculpture of himself doing the robot dance at the front of his mansion.

  5. 0

  6. OI numbnut Nakamura is Japanese and i'm glad you brought this to my attention?

    6 Scots   4 english 3 Welsh  3 Irish

    and you can GTF BATTYBOY

  7. 2 at the very most in the starting 11, Maybe another 2 on the bench

  8. Barry Ferguson and James McFadden.  Queen Zoolander, Nakamura from Celtic is Japanese, not British so I'm afraid that may rule him out.  England have 12 times the population of Scotland and Wales so of course most of te players would be English

    .  However Scotland have done better than England recently so I think you should start showing us a bit more respect.  STOP SLAGGING US OF, YOU'RE NOT THAT GREAT YOURSELF.

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