
How many seasons do you have to go back, since liverpool were beaten at a field by some mickey mouse outfit?

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in the champions league ??? oh and BTW points will be deducted for spelling MARSEILLE with an extra s at the end it really gets up the frogs noses when you do that, americans do it all the time because some bright spark spelt it that way in the film the count of monte cristo and it has stuck ever since.




  1. chelsea last season!!


  2. All major teams have their embarrasing horror stories. The latest for Liverpookl was Barnsley who went on to beat Chelsea as well. Why pick on Liverpool?

  3. Mickey Mouse Outfit's, let me think.

    United V Wimbledon, late 80's, home league fixture, 17,000 fans turned up, sounds mickey mouse to me.  

  4. Personally I wouldnt quite call Marseille a micky mouse outfit, but it was a suprise that Liverpool lost that game. However a 4-0 win in the return at the Stade Veledrome helped Liverpool qualify for the knockout stages. As for Micky Mouse teams beating Liverpool at Anfield, there are quite a few. Barnsley in last years FA Cup, also Grimsby beat them a few years ago in the Carling Cup. As for Europe, Liverpool lost at home 1-0 to Grazer AK from Austria in the qualifying stages the year they won it, but went through 2-1 on agg.  

  5. Chelsea did it.

    Besiktas did it.

    Marseille did it.

    AC Milan did it.

    Barcelona did it.

    There you go, five teams that did. Milan, Chelsea and Barca aren't Mickey Mouse outfits, but I thought five teams made a good list.

  6. I would say Barnsley but they beat Chelsea as well.

    So I'll say Burnley. FA Cup 05.

  7. i cant remember the wimbledon 17000 crowd that has been mentioned .. but what i can remember is a milk cup semi final at anfield against walsall... there was a crowd of 32 thousand there of which 14 thousand was walsall fans (ok i'll accept a lot of them were wolves villa and baggies fans)...but that makes a home crowd support of 18000... it ended in a 2 v 2 draw..

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