
How many seconds are there in one week?

by  |  earlier

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How many seconds are there in one week?




  1. 60* 60  = 3600* 24=86400*7 =604,800 sec a week.

  2. Technically 1. After the first second, you have 3, 4, 5..  So in any scale, you can only have one second.

  3. 60*60=360 seconds in an hour

    360*24=8640 seconds in a day

    8640*7= 60,480 seconds in a week

  4. 604,800

    60 seconds = 1 minute

    60 minutes (1 hour) = 3600 seconds

    1 day (24 hours) = 86,400 seconds

    1 week (7 days) = 604,800 seconds

    60 x 60 x 24 x 7 = 604,800

  5. 604,800

  6. The number of seconds in one week = 604800.

    The number of seconds in one day = 86400.

    The number of seconds in a normal year = 31536000

  7. 60 per minute x 60 min=3600 sec/per/hr

                                             x   24 hr/dy


                                                 86400 per day x 7= 604800sec/wk

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