
How many seconds does it take for an insurance company to deny you health care?

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this is actually a serious question. i'm writing an essay that discusses the corruption linked to the u.s. health care system, and i want to say something like "every ___ seconds, another american is denied health care insurance." i think this fact is known, but i could be wrong. if anyone knows any other facts about the problems with HMO's and insurance companies/pharm companies, etc, it would be a great help. Thanks.




  1. Why don't you do an article on all the claims that get paid without a hitch?  Sure some claims get denied, but it's not always the insurance companies' fault that they're denied.

    Or better yet how many seconds go by when someone makes a false claim against Medicare.  When false claims are made against Medicare that's directly stealing out of tax payers' pockets.

    I have hundreds of educated clients and it's very, very rare that they have a claim that goes unpaid.  I'm working on one now, but I have yet to figure out the whole story.

  2. Check out the link in my sources.  It lists the number of people per year who experience a denial or delay in health care.  It's not exactly the stat you're looking for, but it's close.  It also breaks it down by weeks, days, hours and minutes.  I comes out to one person every 1.76 seconds.


    To Insurance Pickle: I sell health insurance also but I will still admit that the health care system in this country is corrupt and needs serious reform.  The biggest concern is not with people who have sufficient money to purchase individual medical insurance, but with people who don't have the assets to do so or may not be able to qualify for individual medical insurance.  

    Don't get so defensive, I'm sure you sell great products but not everyone in this country is insured by the companies you represent.  Why would somebody write a report about insurance companies doing what they're supposed to do?  That is their job and purpose on this Earth, they don't deserve a ton of praise for it.  They're still in health insurance for the profit.  It's like that old Chris Rock joke.  A father acts proud and entitled when saying "I take care of my kids."  The appropriate reaction...."So?  What you want, a cookie?  That's what you're SUPPOSED to do."

  3. don't forget about the kickbacks that politicians get.  that is a major problem that not a lot of people write about.

  4. You might be able to Google for that specific stat.  

    I just read this article a few days ago, and wondered “How long would it take to burn through 1 million dollars in the American healthcare system?”

    Apparently, you can do it pretty quickly. My dad passed away recently. He was in the hospital for all but a few days of his last month. Two hospital stays, a short rehab stay, an ER visit, and one air transport = $212,000. He burned through nearly a quarter million in one month! That’s insane. No wonder we have so many people not seeking care. Makes me wonder how far my 5 million cap would really go if I had a serious condition.

    I actually cannot complain, though. Between my mom’s insurance company & Medicare, she’s going to have virtually no out-of-pocket cost. It’s just too bad everyone can’t be as fortunate.

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