
How many seconds in a year?

by  |  earlier

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Remember you guy's, it's a riddle.




  1. I don't know...It's always from 1-60...

  2. there are 12

    2nd jan

    2nd feb

    2nd march etc etc

  3. Don't know about seconds.  Care about eighths?

  4. 12. Jan 2nd, Feb 2nd, Mar 2nd, Apr 2nd, May 2nd, June 2nd, July 2nd, Aug 2nd, Sep 2nd, Oct 2nd, Nov 2nd, Dec 2nd!!!

    Dammit Dom, and Ray,  you beat me to it, nice work!!!

  5. well i used the calculator, i multiplied 60 to 60 to get the number of seconds in an hour and i got 3600. i multiplied it to 24 to get the number of seconds in a day and i got 86400. then i multiplied it to 365 to get the number of seconds in a year and i got 31536000.

    there's 31622400 seconds in a leap year.

  6. There are 31,446,925.9936 seconds.

    Star for you

  7. 525,600 minutes for one year, so convert the MINUTES to SECONDS.. then you get the answer..multiply it by 60 and theres the answer..

  8. 36, as in jan d second, feb d twenty SECOND n so on

  9. I'll take the literal route. Ergo there are no SECONDS in the words A YEAR

  10. 12.

  11. 365* 24* 60*60*= 31536000 seconds


    dont ask it again

    best of luck!!

    keep smilinbg:))

  12. 12

  13. 60

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