
How many sentences long does a paragraph consist of?

by  |  earlier

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At the moment i am doing a design brief and i need to know how many sentences you can have up to in an paragraph




  1. 3-4 if your in the 3-4 grade...

    i would say about 7-10sentences

  2. 5-6 sentences make up a paragraph

  3. 5-7 to be real... elementary school will say 4-5.  All of my pragraphs are at least 8 sentences (mostly around) my teachers loved the detail

  4. I would say a good 5 to 6 sentences.

  5. 4-6 sentences is a paragraph!

  6. for a small para u can use 5-6 sentences for a big para asmuch a u can but it will be goodif u fill the info within 15-17 sentences

  7. at least 10 depends how many words u wanna to right....

  8. 5-7.

    You have to have a beg, middle and end.

  9. Usually around 3-6. No more than 6 usually.

  10. Well in theory, a paragraph is supposed to contain a single thought, or topic. A general rule of thumb is somewhere around five.

  11. At least one.

  12. I dont think it matters how many sentences. For me I treat each paragraph like it's each own "paper". The paragraph should have a topic sentence, supporting your topic sentence, and then an ending which transitions to the next paragraph.

  13. a topic 6 sentences for a body and a conclusion

  14. up to 76

  15. you can have as many sentances you want in a paragraph some times you can have one word paragraphs to build suspense

  16. usually 4-5....

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