
How many shoes do you women have?

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My wife has over 150 pairs of shoes!!!!... I want her to get rid of some of her shoes... She tells me she wears all of them and they have history together. I told her she was going to be history!

We have a six bed room home and she wants to make one of the bed rooms her closets.. WTF.. I told her h**l No..

We both have walk in closets and I only have maybe 15 pairs..

Do you women really care for your shoes?




  1. Um I have about 12 pairs of shoes, none of which cost more than $40.00. At 12 pairs I think that's a little much, I think over 20 is a bit of a waste. I like to spend my money on other important things, taking care of my finances and helping others/charity. No one needs that many shoes, it's just bologna to throw money away like that and justify is as that's what women do. Some of that could go to a good cause.

  2. NEVER try to separate a woman from her shoes!!  Your wife has only 150 pairs?  I have 150 pairs in one state!  I have shoes in AK, shoes in IN and shoes in FL!  I love shoes!!

    Yes, I wear them all too.  I don't spend a lot of money on them, the most expensive pair I own is my cowboy boots ($75).  Most are between $5-$30 per pair.

    Look at it this way, there are worse things we could be addicted to!

  3. I have 3 pairs of shoes.

    Nike pink, black and grey running shoes

    Green flip flops

    White pumps with brown ribbon.

  4. about 15  

  5. WOW 150 pairs thats a bit too many for me there are other things that I would rather spend money on, i have 12 pairs and thats enough for me.

  6. ahhhhh shooesssssssss

    does that answer your question?

    its a girl thing.  as long as shes not spending the grocery money on them........let her be

  7. I only have 2 pairs of shoes.

    My sneakers and my dress shoes.

    Wow 150 pairs of shoes that a lot lol.

  8. i dont. I have 4 pairs of shoes. One is office wear. One is evening wear. 1 is tennis shoes, one is for the gym.

    That's it!

  9. I have more than that and I want my husband to build me a closet for them like Carrie got in the s*x and the City movie... oh my god, that's a womans dream :D


  10. Shes obsessed.  I have about 30 pairs, but I don't have relationships with them for goodness sake.  What you really need to ask is:  What is she compensating the shoes for?

  11. Are you my husband????

  12. Yes they do. I think my wife care more about her shoes than me!!!! Go ahead and convert the bedroom to a closet. I did and it turned out  great. I have my own closet all by myself and none of her stuffs are in my closet. Beside, it will be a great selling features...

  13. I don't. lol I'm not one to really care about fashion, what is in style and what shoes go with what dress.

    How many pairs of shoes do I have?? I think 3. I'm serious: One for winter (tennis shoes), One flat slip on for winter & one pair for summer.

    That's it. I don't need any more. I think I get new shoes maybe every few years.

    I dont understand why women have a lot of shoes. Just a waste to me.

    Same with clothes.

    On the movie "Love Comes Softly" that takes place in the 1800's & she is watching a woman unpack. The little girl says "You sure have a lot of dresses. It seems like waste. You can only wear one at a time."

    I think that says it all. Seriously I mean how many clothes does one need? I read somewhere in order to help with laundry & stuff one mom donated all of her families clothes. Each family member had enough clothes to last a week. So about 7 pairs (well 14 - 7 for summer & 7 for winter). That was it.

    I won't go that far. lol

  14. umm yea we care for our shoes...our shoes represent where we have been, what we have been thru and who we are!! just because u have 15 pair that doesnt mean that she needs to downsize because im sure u have a surplus of SOMETHING that she wishes u would get rid of..but does she gripe about it? im sure she doesnt....and if u guys have enough bedrooms and arent using them all then why cant she use one as a closet if she has enough stuff to put in it???? what would it hurt you?? i think ur just being a stubborn man. ladies take pride in their appearance and being beautiful...u should be happy u have a beautiful wife and not a Roseanne!!!  

  15. i have about 30 or less . they all look the same to hubby except maybe the boots (he loves them). yes i do care about my shoes and can't get rid of them but when i know i am done then i am done and i throw them out .arent you exaggerating a little . are they 150pairs of shoes ? and if you re not using whthat room ,why does he bother you what she turns it into?

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