
How many sibling or cousins do u have?

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i have 33 cousins and 2 siblings.




  1. I have 2 sisters, 1 half brother, 1 brother in law, 1 sister in law, 9 uncles, 7 aunts, 41 cousins, 5 nephews and 3 nieces

  2. I have a huge family , almost impossible to count but i can tell you that my father has 11 bothers and sisters, then each one has so many kids and they are all over US,. so many that i don't even know yet.

  3. 2 sisters

    10 cousins on moms side of the family

    8 cousins on dads side of the family

    and 2 little nephews, 1 neice =)

  4. 1 sister

    On mom's side;

    4 aunts and uncles

    10 cousins

    14 second cousins

    On dad's side;

    3 aunts and uncles

    10 cousins

    Unknown number of second cousins

  5. Well lets see 26 aunts and uncles and 87 first cousins

  6. 2 half brothers.

    and 6 cousins.  

    7 aunts and uncles.  

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