
How many sleeps till the boys run out in anger again?

by  |  earlier

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I made a comment before in an email about it being about 75 more sleeps. Has anyone got an accurate figure between now and whenwe can all start spitting about who's team is travelling the best and who's a pack of fairies?

Now to first game of pre-season.




  1. Hey! we can start now can't we :))))

    Yeah I reckon my crows are ready to put in the hard yards this season!!

    They'd bloody better be anyway!!!!!!!!!!

  2. 9th Feb 2008 preseason cup kicks off.

    Rogue your too quick with the correct answers

  3. WAAAAAAAAAY TOO many sleeps.

    Go Lions.

  4. NAB Cup starts 9th Feb 2008.

    I'm too tired to count how many sleeps..LOL

    But on a positive note:  Collingwood started their pre-season training today (12/11/08) and the boys look GREAT!

  5. Pffft whenever. Personally I dont care much for footy when theres nothing happening. I cant be stuffed watchin training or anything. I'll wait to the first game.

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