
How many small minnows can I put in a 30L Biorb?

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I've had the tank for 2 years - my 2 year old fish have lived in the tank for the past 2 years are perfectly healthy.

Just wondered how many fish per litre there should be.

I must say, I've kept fish for over 20 years, and had a whole variety of tank.

This tank not only looks pretty, but is by far the easiest to keep and my fish are beauties. The filter is a dream to use and keeps the water crystal clear.

Maybe you shouldn't knock it until you've tried it.




  1. Biorbs are not ideal tanks for keeping any living thing. They are hard to maintain, hard to clean and they do not give fish enough room because of their shape.  Save yourself the trouble and get a proper tank.

  2. not many id say around 6 tops, becuase the amount of oxygen in the water is relativly low, and there isnt much water in it. :)

  3. Congrats!!

    nice looking but unfortunately there is no worse designed fish tank.

    due to there small top they can hold about 25% the number of fish

    a regular rectangle can hold due to there really bad gas exchange.

    Your fish will choke to death due to lack of oxygen.

    Your looking at a maximum of 3-4 inches of fish.

    If your talking white cloud minnows I'd say 4-5 tops with no other fish at all.

    If you tool it back anf got a real 10 gallon tank kit for 1/2 the money you could put 9-12 easily and have a happy school of them.

    good luck!!!

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