
How many smoke detectors are needed in a two story single family home?

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How many smoke detectors are needed in a two story single family home?




  1. depends on the layout of the house. I would ask the local fire dept. they would have the best information

  2. ou should have a somke dector in every hallway and pretty much every room! their a pain!

  3. ~~We have two in ours. One in the downstairs hallway, and one upstairs in the upstairs hallway. I forgot, my husband added one in the garage so we have three. Every bedroom can easily hear the alarm, so go by what you can hear in a bedroom with the door shut to figure your needs out.~~

  4. In California the code calls for every lbedroom and hallway to have smoke detectors.

    Best is to check with your local city hall code enforcement.

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