
How many so called "anti McCanns" have made a U turn lately?

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I did back in May.

Can anyone else admit that they were wrong?




  1. I still can't get past their lies about the "jemmied shutter" and the fact that Kate didn't even look for Madeleine that night (or any other time, for that matter.)

    Also the fact that they tried to drop the PJ into it from the first hours, claiming they were left alone when this was far from the truth.

    Then the British consul and even the ambassador were alerted with a FEW HOURS to make sure the McCanns were never interviewed without British diplomatic support.

    What was that all about??

    The poor child was missing, but might well have been found hiding in an empty apartment/playhut, whatever.

    Weirdly, the McCanns seemed to know from minute one this wouldn't be the case, and got friends to start pulling strings with...Gordon Brown of all people.

    Also, mysteriously, the Daily telegraph was primed with a story about the missing child from midnight, May 3/4.

    How was that done??

    Also, the PJ are mystified about large photos of Madeleine, which were ready for distribution from late night on May 3 (an hour or so after she went missing.)

    Gerry McCann denies giving these photos out. Someone did.

    So no.

    I don't see myself about to do a U-turn about McCann guilt.

    I just wonder WHAT they are guilty of, as these are very murky waters.

  2. stormy stop it - she  is not even online at the moment, stop making up rumours and allegations.  Oh and reported

  3. i only believe in evidence, Eddie and Keela the cadaver dogs trained to detect death scents - they found them in Jersey and their findings were substansiated with forensic evidence

    They scented death in the apartment, off the mother and her clothing and keys etc.,

    Dogs do not have the ability to lie - only humans do

    Questions need to be answered, the parents are not doing so

  4. still dont think i am wrong, not goin to do a u turn

  5. I try not to answer questions on the McCanns, but I will make an exception, as parents I believe they did neglect all three of their children, there was and is no excuse for leaving such young ones alone no matter how near you are, and even worse in a foreign country, having said that they didn't abduct her for 'god knows what' and they will have to live with their guilt for the rest of their lives I don't think I could.

  6. Not yet, my argument has always been about them failing at basic child care i cant see anything in the near future that will alter my opinion of this, if it wasn't for this fact that poor child would still be in her family unit safe and warm.

    The problem i have found regarding this subject on answers is people are answering with their hearts and not their heads, which will never ever give a person the ability to reflect truly on the events :)

  7. They were selfish  Bloody scumbags

  8. hi stormy,

    My mind has not and will not change on the fact that the parents have caused the death of their child despite what the c**p press feed us ,,,what ever evidence comes out will not bring the child back ,, but rest assured there is one judge we all have to face eventually and spin don't work with God

  9. Who leaves their kids alone at night like that??? They are still to blame, had they been there like they should have been, this wouldnt have happened

  10. Just because you think you are right doesn't mean that you are nor that the anti's are wrong.

    Fact is they neglected that poor child in one way or another that has no doubt led to her death.  

  11. I thought you had gone to PS

  12. No, sorry. Leaving babies alone whilst you go off to stuff your face and drink is still wrong in my book.  I will never ever change my mind about that I am afraid. The McCanns made their children easy targets for an abduction.  I still can't believe that two educated people could do such a selfish and heinous thing to their children.  To be frank, they are dammed lucky that the other two weren't taken either.   I can never condone their actions.

  13. I think they are making O turns, it depends on which side is popular at the time.

  14. If all the ant's had read all the facts as they came to light there would be no anti's. Unfortunately too many jumped to wrong conclusions and joined a lynch mob. People like this will never change their little minds whatever evidence it put to them. I for one would not like these as an ally. If it makes them feel good then let them all carry on with their ranting.Anyone with half a brain will know that it will get them nowhere  

  15. No they are still guilty of neglect whether they did anything to her or not they are still responsible for her disappearance.

  16. I have seen no reason to change my opinon of the McCanns.  

    They willfully left their young children alone, night after night after night in a strange place with no adult within range of immediate response to any emergency. NO decent, right thinking, family oriented, responsible members of society do that, and then try absolve themselves by slyly suggesting, or having it suggested, that it is common practice in mainstream society - it isn't.  These people want a d**n good smack by the authorities before their perfidiously nasty attempts at childrearing spreads to those who wish to emulate it or think it is in some way progressive.

    This so-called "educated" couple played Russian Roulette with their children's safety and probably lives - and LOST, big time.  

    That poor wee child.

  17. If they were indoors looking after the children this whole sorry saga wouldn't be happening, so if I think parents have a duty of care to protect their toddlers makes me anti McCann then there is no chance of a u-turn,because their neglect of that duty as a parent makes them responsible for the event that transpired

  18. If anything i am more convinced than ever that the parents were involved. Sorry, but i do not buy all these alleged sightings in Belgium etc, its all a smokescreen.

    Biggest mystery though? Why are the British media only printing the Mccann version of events? And just WHY did Gordy Brown get involved?

    I can see this "story" just running and running, there are more episodes than Eastenders, and more credibility in BB.

  19. no the blame is still at their door.

    they left the children alone

    for long periods of time

    and have done it before and went clubbing.

    easy target

    and all that ponsing around on the beach in designer clothes

    and trips around europe.

    if it was me  and my little girl was missing

    i would search every where myself on my hands and knees if i had too.

    how is meeting the pope etc going to help.

    no the jury is still ot as far as i am concerend

    i think they sedated the kids as the missing girl has woken the last time she was left

    and had asked mummy why did you leave me

    so sedation given perhaps a bit too much

    and opppps child  vanishes.

    they are both doctors and would have access to drugs to do this

  20. a child is missing that is what is very important here..lets keep judgment out of unhealthy decision was leaving the children a predator took the is a very painful situation..predators always look for opportunities like this to kidnap children

  21. They are gilty. Get over it. thought you were leeving anyway?

    Your the one that said it. Not me.

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