my question is serious, instead of manufacturing arms and then a phoney war to use them, HOW MANY SOLAR PANELS ( AND JOBS MAKING THEM ) COULD THE WEST HAVE PROVIDED WITH THE VAST AMOUNT OF MONEY SPENT ON WARFARE.
I heard a figure of $2billion a week and thought the money might have been better spent making our own electricity/power rather than raping an innocent country of their resources. surely it equates to 1 million solar panels a week and jobs lost in the arms industry would be replaced by jobs making solar panels and associated products/services?
Anyone out there got any SENSIBLE opinions?
Anyone done the maths to see if my theory stands up?
I'll expect the usual PRO-US abuse, but history is already proving the futility immorality & failure of the phoney war on terrorism.
I am British and paying a fortune to heat/light my humble home, as well as paying immense taxes to send my friends sons off to be killed in an illegal war.
Id rather be paying for solar panels on my house