
How many songs can i download before the cops come?

by  |  earlier

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Cus i wanna LOT




  1. Usually the cops don't care

  2. keep going... they won't come unless you're sharing it.. & if your in Canada, they will never come...

  3. depends on the source

    Itunes: never

    limewire: never

    your fathers a cop that throws cop parties where your computer is: maybe.

  4. As many as you like

    And yea, they don't really care. Unless you're bootlegging, they don't "keep track" of what your doing.

  5. lol yeah the pd is going to send in the swat team " put the mouse down put the mouse down" "get on the ground you scum bag"

  6. as many as u want, the cops wont come  

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