
How many songs do you have on your iPod Classic 160gb?

by  |  earlier

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I'm trying to decide whether to get the iPod 80gb or 160gb to sync my entire music library. I have over 1000 cds mainly R&B and 825 itune download.




  1. One song is about 7 KiloBytes to 12KB. 1024KBs are in 1 MegaByte. 1024MBs are in 1 GigaByte. If you can highlight all the files containing the songs and right click on them scroll down the menu and select 'properties' in here it will list the combined total size of the files selected. The number will be followed by either: kbs, mbs, gbs. But, in general, you can fit approx' 70-100 songs in one megabyte and approx' 70,000-100,000 on one gigabyte. If all you files are music the 80gb will be good enough, most likely. But the 160gb will, of course, give you room to do other things like TV and Movies. I have a 160gb myself and I, presently, have 900 TV shows on it, but all I have on it, are primarily TV shows and a few movies and about 150 music files. I also think the ipod 160 is worth it considering you can also get an AV cable and watch everything on you ipod (like TV and movies) on any TV with an AV (red,white,yellow) jack, which now-a-days is pretty all TVs. Here's a cool site I found also, called "" You can go ont her and make customizable skins for the ipods. You can upload your own photo(s) and make one or use there templates. They cost about $15 dollars but they protect the outside of the ipod from scratchess and all that.

  2. Sup pplz,

    The 80 Gb version holds upto, 20 000 songs in AAC format

    The 160 GB version holds upto 40 000 songs in AAC format.

    Say each disc has 20 songs on it

    Say each song is on average 5 mb and you have 1000 cds.

    we times 5 by 20 which gives us 100 mb.

    now we have 100Mb to each disc so we times 100 by 1000 which equals 100 000Mb all up which is 97.65 gb or about 20 000 songs

    This would mean that you should buy a 160 Gb ipod to fit all you 1000 cds and ontop of that your 825 other songs lol

    the numbers used above were an estimate and calculated using -

    It just depends how much space 1000 cd's take up im pretty sure it should be over 80 Gb lol

  3. 4,001 songs i like every thing but i got one more song untill i ran out of space. 4/3 cds.

  4. how many GBs is 1000 cds?

    i guess maybe you shoudl spring for the big one

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