
How many space do you need to have a goat as a pet

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I love goats and I will have a pet goat




  1. You need to call your local animal control or SPCA/Humane Society to find out.  Usually, goats, ducks, chickens and pigs are considered livestock and aren't allowed in the suburbs.  Some areas let you keep chickens as long as none of your neighbors complain.  You can't hide a goat,so, instead of getting one and getting attached to it, only to have to give it up, please make sure it's OK for you to have one, first.  Then you have to decide which kind to get and more...

  2. General rule of thumb for acreage is 6 goats per acre, but you need to check with your zoning beforehand to make sure you can have a couple of goats as pets.

    I say a couple because they are a herd animal and need another goat for company.  Also, you may be able to have pygmies even if you do live in a suburban area.  Some states have reclassified pygmy goats as livestock and/or pets, and they are allowed in some places that other livestock are not.  Check your zoning before you get a goat!!

    Two goats can be kept comfortably on a 1/3 acre, provided they have appropriate shelter, room to exercise and forage.  Most likely, they will need to have hay at least part of the  year as well, so make sure you have someplace to store grain and hay as needed.

    Also, for pets, I'd recommend getting a pair of wethers - which are castrated males.  They usually have the best personalities and most breeders will sell them for less than you would pay for a breeder animal.

    We've been raising goats for years and I absolutely love having them.  Good luck and I hope you can get yourself a couple!

  3. They need quite a lot of space, and the bigger your goat gets the more space and excersize they need. I have 2 goats, and they are a handful!

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