
How many speeding tickets can i get before i loose my license?

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I am a Califoria resident, and i am over 18 years of age. i am wondering how many tickets i can get before i get my license suspended or revoked?





  1. I'm a CA resident too, so I think this will help.

    I got 3 speeding ticket in a 12 month period (actually 4 but I went to traffic school for the 1st ticket)

    The DMV sent me a letter telling me to not get another ticket in the next 6 months or I would be in JEOPARDY of losing my "driving privileges"

    So, I would think that you could get at least 4 tickets and be ok.

  2. It is according to the state. I would ask the dmv in California. Be glad you don't live in GA because it is three tickets.

  3. Depends on how many point if its really excessive then like 2 but for like 5-10 over about 3 or 4

  4. In some cases (1) would do the trick if it was bad enough........

  5. it depends on the speed if you were going

    over 100 its 2points and under 1 point

    and if it was within a year of each ticket

    try and go to traffic school !! you can be put on probation for a year and have to carry sr22 insurance for 4yrs <high ins> go to dmv or call 916-657-6525  they can explain

    drive the speed limit that could help too

  6. hey listen to this pay your ticket $5 over the amount  they will send you the $5 back

    DO NOT CASH THAT CHECK throw it away

    now your ticket has been paid But its not complete so it will not go to the dmv.... sssshhhhhhh

    good luck

  7. if you had a clean licence only 4 pretty pictures

  8. You should be more concerned with improving your driving than how many tickets you can accumulate. The number of tickets isn't as important as the severity of the offense.

  9. It depends on your age, how many miles over you were going, how many points you lose, and how many points you start with. Here young drivers start with maybe 6 points, goes to 12 at 18. You lose 1-2 points going a few miles over and up to 6 for going real fast. I think.

  10. How many tickets have you gotten so far? I do not think it is based on the number of tickets, I think they base it on points on your license.

    I just found this info for you.

    What Points Do

    As you acquire points, you place yourself in danger of losing your driver's license. The DMV has the right to suspend or revoke your driving privileges if you accumulate a certain number of points over a set period of time.

    Four points within a 12-month period

    Six points in a 24-month period

    Eight points in a 36-month period

    Contrary to popular thought, driving records are not automatically cleared of all points once the points are over a year old.

    Check pit this link for more info:

    Hope this helps. By the way call the Ca. dmv, or highway patrol I am sure they can tell you exactly.

  11. In Missouri its four speeding tickets and you're on foot.

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