
How many speeding tickets have you received and how fast?

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How many speeding tickets have you been given?

How many have you GOT OUT OF?

How many years was this span over?

How fast were you going?

I've been given 5 speeding tickets.

I've got out of 3 speeding tickets. (luck)

This was a span of 3 years. (age 16-19)

My fastest one was 16mph over (nothin too impressive)

I speed every day- always going at least 5mph over. So I consider myself lucky to not get caught more often~ but I did tone my speed down since I had my son!

drive safe & thanks for answering!




  1. I have gotten 1 speeding ticket in my life.  I was delivering flowers for a flower shop and did not realized the exact time or that I was about a block from a school.  So, I was going about 35 in a 20 school zone. It was only 5 minutes before the end of the school speed enforcement time.  And there were no children around. I really thought the cop should have taken some of this information into consideration before he issued the ticket. :)

  2. I've gotten about 14 tickets for speeding

    The last one left me without a driving license  for 3 months(120 mph in the city)

  3. I gave up speeding 4 years ago when I got my first speeding ticket. Not worth it-insurance went up.

    I had been lucky before that-received warnings (about 9) over the years.

  4. i have been driving for 39 years and have never had a speeding ticket,not to say i don't speed at times. i just pay attention

  5. The total is probably around 60 speeding citations over 20 years and I haven't had one in 8 years. I've talked my way out of 90 in a 65, I nearly went to jail for 80 in a 40, and the fastest I ever got away with was 140 in a 70 zone.  (Hwy 84 between Lubbock and Sweetwater doesn't feature much in the way of scenery.)

    I have never beat a speeding ticket, I've talked my way out of a few, but once the cop starts writing, you're usually screwed. I've beat red-light tickets, no seatbelt tickets, illegal equipment tickets, overload tickets, but never a speeding ticket. I beat an "unsafe speed" ticket that came with a "leaving the scene" ticket, (wreck and I was trying to get to medical help before I bled to death,) but never a speeding ticket.

    I've had more than a few in small towns that didn't show up on my insurance if I paid them promptly.

    A friend took his bike out to Marathon to find top end. The Garmin showed him doing 186, on a road with a speed limit of 70. His father had the bike modified and pushed it to 215 on the Salt Flats.

    Drive friendly.


  6. I got two in my first year of driving and decided to slow down. The first one was for 53 in a 40, and the second for going 83 in a 65 (if I hadn't locked my tires up as I passed him I might have gotten away).  The trick to getting out of tickets though is luck.  Cops are instructed to decide whether they're giving the ticket before they even step out of the car.  you've got a better chance of pleading not guilty or deferred judication than trying to charm your way out.

  7. Just 1. The helicopter caught me going 80 in 1 55. The cop who stopped me said I was going 72 in a 55. So he wrote it up for 75. Just speeding not wreckless driving, which would have been worse.

  8. seven at one time. when the cops finally caught me they were really PO'd

    Two thou. to lawyer,judge was friend and jack drives home a free man.

    This happened in 1970.Don't think it would work now!!!!!!!

  9. I cried myself out of one.  

    I was doing 72 in a 55 zone; it was after midnight on a weeknight and there was no one else on the highway -- well, except the highway patrol man who I didn't see.

    I started sobbing while at the same time telling the guy how sorry I was and all ... and he let me go with just a warning.  


  10. Zero. I drive a car at 130 mph everyday for work, and I don't see any point in speeding on the roads. I've seen too many fatality accidents related to speeding. Not to say I don't go 5 or 10 over on the freeway, but still.

  11. Maybe 1 or 2.

    Doing 60 in a 40....shame on me. :(

    The ticket cost me about $125.

    Then I went to this weird traffic school where everything was supposed to be happy, funny and like a joke.

    I never did get THAT one....

  12. huh my wife got a going 89 in a 45 zone lol i didnt even think our suv could go that fast lol

  13. I only have one in the 18 years of driving so far.  I got a ticket for accelerating unnecessarily.  420 USD.   still don't know what I did wrong cuz I only went like 4 MPH over the limit but there isn't much I can do when it's a cop's word against mine and I was still a kid.  My dad is 62 and got his first ticket ever a few years ago.  The judge was shocked to say the least. Unfortunately the only way to get a ticket dropped in Oregon is to plead not guilty and beat it in a trial so my dad still had to pay.

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