
How many squad cars does the average city go through each year?

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I was watching an episode of cops and one of the squad cars had to hit the runaway car to get it to stop. That happens on almost every episode so I was wondering how many cars does the average city go through each year?

Also, how much does a fully equipped squad car cost? Who pays for it?




  1. You see that a lot on TV, but it doesn't happen that often in real life. My department carries insurance, they take care of all but the deductible.

    Most agencies use the Ford Crown Victoria, they are about $28,000 for the Police Interceptor package. There is also several thousand dollars of equipment in the vehicle, but it is difficult to put a cost on that, because the type of equipment varies quite a bit.

    As far as where the money comes from, that would be tax dollars.

  2. Our cars get rotated out after 20,000 miles or something close to that. But the cars we use get used alot, mostly accelerating quick, slamming on the breaks and idling for god knows how long. Those crown vics are tough cars I have to admit. :)

  3. They repair their cars as long as it isn't completely destroyed. They have dedicated body shops for maintenance and repair, damage is fairly regular.

    A squad car getting completely destroyed beyond repair is pretty rare.

    A fully equipped squad car costs $35,000 to 85,000 depending on the equipment installed.

    The police department pays for the cars, it has a budget allotted to them from the state, the state gets the money from people like you and me via taxes.

  4. it depends not all car are going to be dammaged at the end of the year !

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