
How many square feet are there in an acre.?

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How many square feet are there in an acre.?




  1. One acre is 43560 square feet.

  2. 1 acre = 43 560 square foot

  3. One acre consists of 43 560 square feet or 4,840 square yards or 0.4 hectares. This is the internationally accepted measurement of one acre. The word acre was first coined to denote the area that will be ploughed by an ox in a single day. The field for American football measures 1.32 acres. It was only about 300 hundred years ago that an acre could be expressed in geometric terms. Prior to this an acre would be defined in terms of number of furlongs, perches and chains.

    The United States survey acre is equal to 4046.87 square meters. This is true because the 'foot' in the United States is bigger than the 'foot' in the rest of the world. The word 'acre' originated from 'aker' which meant open field in old English. An acre on the map does not exactly correspond to its size on the ground if the ground is at a slope.

  4. there are 43,559.19 square feet in an acre.

  5. 43560 square feet

  6. There are 43560 square feet in an acre.

    When my parents got married my mum's father promised my dad 4 acres and a cow.  He says he's still waiting for the 4 acres.

  7. 1 acre =43,560 sq. ft.  or 4,840 sq. yards

  8. 43560

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