
How many stamps do i need to mail a letter to south africa from america?

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How many stamps do i need to mail a letter to south africa from america?




  1. 1 stamp, think its 71c

  2. Guys, the asker wants to send TO South Africa from America, not the other way around.

    I checked on the USPS website and it said $0.94 for a First Class International Letter.

    But the others are still right, best is to go to the post office in the states and ask.

  3. the post office will weigh it and tell you - should be under R10 as long as its not too heavy. look at pg 16 of this document for actual tariffs

  4. I suggast you ask the post office. It will depend on where in SA and by what tipe of mail eg: Normal airmail, express and so on

  5. you could put all the stamps you want on the letter.if it dosnt add up to the fee.its not going anywhere.

  6. I mailed something far away like that and we just went to the post office and asked. They gave us special air-mail stamps. That was a long time ago, so who knows how much it will cost now.

  7. I browsed through the rates pdf file on their website and for small letters they talk about R4.15 and for medium size letters R12.45. I would have thought it is much more expensive. Have a look at this link as well

  8. The last time I sent a letter from South Africa to Australia, I had to take it to the post office where they weigh the letter and then give you the amount. They then give you the stamps, which you put on the envelope and post it. I don't know if America also have this system in place, but it would be best to take the letter to the post office and let them tell you how much it's going to be.

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