
How many stamps do i need to send a letter from California to New York?

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How many stamps do i need to send a letter from California to New York?




  1. 1

  2. Just a regular letter with no extras : one stamp .If you think it is over weight , go stand in line at the post-office and get it weighed , or it might come back for more postage request .

  3. Just one. As long as it doesn't weigh too much .. just a simple envelope is one first class stamp.

  4. Just one, as long as it is a normal sized letter.  If it is extra thick or large, take it to the post office and they can tell you.

  5. One first class ticket goes anywhere in the country.



  6. Is this a trick only need stamps that had up to .42 cents. It could take many stamps depending on their value.

    For instance is all you have are one cent stamps, give up cause u cannot fit all of those on a standard size envelope. You would need 42 one cent stamps in that scenario.

    Also follow the other poster's comments on here about the weight, etc......

  7. 1 stamp.

    depending on how much it weighs it may need more.

    but if its like a normal letter like 1-2 pieces of paper it should just be 1 but if you have pictures in it or just alot of sheet of paper then you would have to take it into the post office and have them weigh it for you and they will tell you how much to use.

  8. If it weights less than 16 ounces, just the one.

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