
How many stamps do i need to send a package to hawaii and georgia from california?

by  |  earlier

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---or should i just go to the postal service and do it there.. save the frustrating and be a lot easier for me? thanks.




  1. If you can weigh the package accurately,

    you can do it yourself, because the required

    postage depends on the weight.

    At you can get all the

    information you need about postage fees

    for packages.

    Also, there are restrictions on packages

    above a certain weight being put in mailboxes,

    so the simplest thing is just take it to the post

    office, have them weigh the packages and

    tell you how much the postage will be.

  2. Just save the hassle and go to the post office. It would be easier and it would keep you from having to go back again later.

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