
How many stamps would I need to post a ds game?

by  |  earlier

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without having to go to the post office cause I already have alot of stamps that I'd rather use :)

the case is 14" by 12" by 2"




  1. I'd estimate you'd need around four pounds worth of stamps to post a ds game however you are better going into the post office because i could be way off.

  2. It would be large letter price (i think thats 65p) you may want to get it done recorded though.

  3. No idea, not without you saying which country your in and how heavy the package is.

    You can still take it along with your stamps down to the post office and ask them how much, then add your own stamps.

    Better that then get it wrong and have it returned.

  4. you cant you have to get i weighed and the postoffice has to put the special stamp on it

  5. ok a post office is only place that can answer that its as said the weight size and contents value post office is only place that will tell you the right cost and amount of stamps

  6. i send a m2 memory stick i had to use 562 stamps for them to accept it was a quick delivery though

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