
How many star trek fans are actually female?

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Is it a really small percent? Besides myself, i don't know any other girl that likes the show.




  1. I've met all 5 of them, and those chicks ROCK...

  2. "

    Beam me up Scottie....There is no intelligent life here !"

  3. I'm a fan, so is a woman I work with. We're not Trekkies though!

  4. not many, I would think...

    a better question might be, how many star trek fans DON'T live in their mother's basement?

  5. you just need to meet nerdier women. we exist. :-)

  6. 10% female, 30% male, 40% nerd, 20% alien

    But also depends on show - original has different demographics than DS9 than Voyager (with female captain) etc.

  7. how many people think this is under the wrong category?

  8. there is about 1 woman treki fan to 4 man treki fans.... they all hold a convention and meet in the small city of intercourse pennsilvania.

  9. I am a fan of the shows and movies yes... Trekkie NO!

  10. i just found one.

  11. nerd chicks rock.  they are the most fun between the sheets due to all those pent up inhibitions

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